PRMIA's Charta
Die Professional Risk Managers' International Association (PRMIA) ist eine Non-Profit Organisation die durch einen Gremium von Direktoren geleitet wird, welche direkt von den fast 90000 Mitgliedern in 195 Ländern gewählt wird. PRMIA wird weltweit durch ca. 60 lokale Chapter vertreten, welche durch regionale Direktoren geführt und vom Aufsichtsgremium gewählt werden. Dr. Dominik Dersch ist Gründer und war von 2004-2017 amtierender regionaler Direktor des Münchner Chapters.
PRMIA's Auftrag und Ziele
Established in 2002 by a volunteer group of risk industry professionals, PRMIA's mission is to provide a free and open forum for the promotion of sound risk management standards and practices globally. To accomplish this mission, PRMIA's objectives are:
- To be a leader of industry opinion and a proponent for the risk management profession
- Drive the integration of practice and theory and certify the credentials of professional risk managers
- Connect practitioners, researchers, students and others interested in the field of risk management
- Be global in focus, promoting cross-cultural ethical standards, serving emerging as well as more developed markets
- Work with other professional associations in furtherance of PRMIA's mission
PRMIA Lösungen
PRMIA is dedicated to providing resources, networking, and thought leadership to help its members achieve the highest standards from the cradle to the pinnacle of their careers. PRMIA guides one through these tough economic times by providing the educational and training opportunities needed to strengthen one’s risk management knowledge and skills.